What is the Best Study Material for IAS Exam Preparation?

What is the best study material for IAS 2021 exam preparation?, is the most commonly asked question by IAS aspirants. Books are an important source of material, required any exam. Thus, choosing the right study material is one of the major tasks to turn it into a useful resource.

As we know there are a plethora of books available in the market with the fake name of authors, therefore it is essential to choose the study material wisely. Here you will find a list of most-important books which can be referred while preparing for IAS exam


UPSC IAS Study Material

The basic concepts are almost the same in every book, but what makes the difference is the application of the concepts. Studying from the relevant book is one of the crucial things for an IAS aspirant. Therefore, to score maximum in every stage of an IAS exam follow the below-listed books recommended by the experts for an immense preparation of IAS 2021 exam.

List of UPSC IAS Books for Prelims

IAS Preparation Books – Here you will find a list of relevant books that can save your precious time and improve your preparation level. The following list of best books contains many of the basic NCERT and other additional books. Below is the list of books with an updated pattern of the examination with the detailed concept and of the examination. The list is as follows:

  1. Geography

  1. History and Art & Culture

  1. Indian Polity

  1. Economic and Social Development

  1. Ecology & Environment

  1. General Science

  1. Current events of National and International Importance

  1. Other Miscellaneous Books


List of UPSC IAS Book for Mains Exam

  1. General Studies – I

  1. General Studies – II

  1. General Studies – III

  1. General Studies – IV

Following the above mentioned study material by heart and practicing them properly will improve your concepts and surely help you gain marks in the upcoming IAS 2021 exam.


Director of Veda IAS, Completed his Masters in Sociology, Having more than 6 years of UPSC Mentoring Experience.

12 thoughts on “What is the Best Study Material for IAS Exam Preparation?”

  1. Preparing for UPSC exams and in need of the right kind of study material? Thank you Veda IAS for such illustrative read containing all the required links, which will help, prepare for a successful completion of the same. I shared the same with my friend’s daughter who is preparing for UPSC and she said that this subjective filtering of materials is a boon.

  2. I’m not able to Join anthropology Optional Course. Although it’s showing the option of Enrolling but not able to pay. And please list the books or material which is important for anthropology, so it will guide to us which book we have to read. Thank you 🙂

  3. I really like .that ur Veda IAS is providing Valuable material at Affprdable prices. it’s really appreciating ….and very useful for students like me….

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